This is the perfect word to describe my spring break. On Tuesday Kenz Dawg, Rachet Rach, and I ventured down to St. George. Tuesday was supposed to be our only "unplanned" day but the way things went our whole trip was extremely spontaneous. And to be honest, not knowing what we would be doing or where we would be sleeping for that matter, was oh so thrilling.
I actually started blogging my adventures earlier today, but the entry ended up being almost a mile long and I wasn't near finished.... So I copied and pasted it into a word document and saved it for my own documentation. Instead I am going to give all the highlights and post a couple of my favorite pictures.
- The moment we arrived in St. George, we found a random trail and hiked while enjoying the last moments of sunlight. The smell of nearby campfires and sun hitting my back made me immediately nostalgic for summer! Good thing it's only a couple months away!
- Later that night we met up with Bert, Joey, Papa and Greg. We hung at their trailer for a while, ended up venturing to Dixie Rock, had some good laughs up there and then went to Denny's when the boys got hungry and the girls got cold. We stayed in Denny's close to three hours.
- When it was time to split ways with the boys we found ourselves getting soooooo lucky regarding our sleeping situation. Rachel's friend Doug had found out we were most likely going to sleep in our car and offered to let us go to his sweet grandparents house. While this sounds super weird, they weren't home, completely okay with letting us into their house, and apparently this would not be the first time this happened.
- When we drove up, we discovered we would not be abiding in a house, but in fact a mansion. I am telling you, good things happen to those who go with the flow.
- I am going to mention now we referred to Doug's grandparent's as Nana and Papa Costely. Without even knowing these people, we instantly bonded.
- After sleeping til noon and hitting up Walmart and Subway for food, we spent the rest of the daylight hours poolside at Nana and Papa Costely's clubhouse. No one else was at the pool so we had the whole place to ourselves.
- When we were done at the pool and fresh and showered, we made a miraculous discovery about Nana Costely. NANA IS BALD! We were looking for lotion and found about 6 wigs in a drawer instead. Naturally we tried them on.
- Couple hours later, we met up with my bro Brian and his Buddies at Iceberg. We got a TON of ice cream, played ultimate hide and go seek at our cousins house (once again, another big house empty... they were at DisneyLand), and crashed there.
RANDOMLY PLACED FORGIVE ME. This is Wendy. You will meet her later in the story. But since Blogger is not letting me put it where I want it, just keep this in your memory for now and you will understand the hilarity behind it later. I promise. |
- The seven of us piled into one car and drove to Zion. We successfully avoided all the cop cars on our way by hiding 2 people every time we passed the police. (And yes, it twas a feat because there was a bizarre amount of coppers out that day).
- We waited at the bottom at Angels Landing for close to an hour for our other friends, hiked to Emerald Pool to kill some time while we waited some more (gorgeous place btw), got back, waited some more, and then determined we would run into them at some point.
- Angels Landing: WHAT A FUN/ TERRIFYING HIKE. Loved it though. We had some good adventures on our way up too. I sniped a butterfly out of thin air (killed it in the process.. whoops), climbed around in some cave, and laughed and joked together the whole way up. I am so happy me and my brother combined our groups. We had such a fun time together! It was so sad when they left us Friday morning.
- At the top we chilled for quite a while. We took some pics, ate some food, and had ourselves a grand time!
- After hanging for a while, the girls finally showed up! We caught up for a while, took some more pics, sung the Scotsman at the top of our lungs together, and showed the whole world how much it rocks to be an Aggie!!! It is ALWAYS a good day to be an Aggie.
- My brother and his crew left during this and got about a half hour head start on us. So make up for lost time, once we got through the treacherous part of the hike we ran down the entire mountain. I am still a bit sore from that. Haha but it was super fun! We were laughing and talking and looking surely ridiculous, which I loved. The best part about it was.... we actually caught up with them! I was shocked!
- When we got back to our town, we went back to the Costely's and hot tubbed for the night. I felt great and Disney Trivia was a good time too.
- After we went back to Adams and ate our leftover Iceberg ice cream. That didn't satisfy my brother, so we actually made a trip back to Smiths to get some more. What a fatty right? ;)
- Back at Adam's, we played a really great game together while we ate some treats. I'm going to call it "this" or "that". Basically it's a simplified version of "would you rather". I love it. It is so vague, hilarious, and you learn a lot about the people you are with.
- We watched the movie Gravity, I DO NOT recommend it even though for some reason all the critics do.
- The boys woke up and left to go back home around 11 and so we left Adam's shortly after.
- We were on our way to meet up with the girls when we found out they all had plans. So we randomly ended up in the cutest area with an Antique shop. What a great thing that was. We got some supa cute jewelry and the shop owner, Wendy, was seriously the definition of a hoot. To give you a taste of her personality, Rachel tried on a necklace and Wendy jumped backwards and gasped, "Oh, you look scary!" Hahahaha so we all started laughing wayyyyy hard and she goes, "Oh, did I say scary?? Sometimes I get scary and pretty all mixed up!" Hahahah I want to be as cool as her when I grow up, that's for sure.
- Next we chilled at a park and made our game plan. It was a gorgeous day and the perfect day to lay out poolside. So our solution was to drive around until we found a hotel with a pool we could "sneak" into. We first went and got drinks and cookies at Swig (holy yum) and then ended up at Best Western. We hung there most of the day. And oh, btw, probably the best part about this whole trip was how much we talked. Normally when you are laying out, you kind of just sit there and jam to your own music. But nope, we talked the whole time. And I don't mean the whole time at the pool. Like the whole trip. None of us had our phones out much. I loved it. That was probably the secret to how great our break was.
- Dinner was at Chilis. I feel bad to anyone who was sitting near us because we had a serious case of the giggles.
- We explored around the rocks at Pioneer Park. COOL PLACE GUYS. I could climb around there all day long.
- We went to meet up with the girls at the big lit up D, but we sort of chickened out when Megan told us it was illegal and some crotchety old man got mad at us.
- They all went to Swig, but we didn't get anything (except for some perfectly good cookies someone threw away in the garbage).
- We left to go back to Dixie Rock and met up with some friends from college.
- With them we ventured far into Pioneer Park. It was almost a full moon so we had just enough light to hike far back and find a cool little cave thing. In the cave we told some "scary stories". I say "scary" because we were all dying of laughter. Karl and Dev are just too goofy.
- After I met up with Mandaline and Emily for a while because they had just gotten to St. George! We didn't hang long though because poor Kenz had a killer headache and Rach and I were exhausted.
- Doug had also arrived in St. George so we went back to good old Nana and Papa Costley's to crash.
- This day was pretty slow. We were all tired and planned on heading out late afternoon.
- One of the best activities of Saturday was when Rach and I did some yoga on the rocks in the back yard to stretch our sore bodies from running down Angels Landing.
- Fun Fact from this day: I ate tomatoes and really enjoyed them. Normally I avoid tomatoes at all costs, but Nana put some out for us and it may have just been starvation but I ate a bunch and really found them to be quite delicious!
- After just enjoying the warm outdoors, we headed home.
I realized this may not seem like highlights but compared to what I had earlier this is very small.
I loved spring break. Even though it was NOTHING like we had planned or expected, it could not have turned out better! We got so close, pretty much have a new language based off all our jokes, and lived with no regrets!
#gettinsleazyinstgeezysb2k14 #the1975edish #edishthatish
Vote Felicia for lyfe!!! We will represent you well, we know how to live!
Gettin our swim on. |
Nana Costley is bald, but we love her nonetheless. |
wait did rach just dye her hair or nah |
The Emerald City - City + Pools |
three cheers for this fun crew |
but first, lemme take a selfie at the tippy top of Angels Landing. |
Only in Cottontown Village. (Bath .25, Clean Water .50, lol arrest $25) |
Apparently I'm antique or something because I wear DI clothes and chucks. But I'm okay with that. |
Our woman Wendy. What a hoot you guys, what a hoot.
(refer back to earlier picture :) )
Climbing on horses cause why not? |
Our first hike! |
At the trial head of Angels Landing with this lovely. |
Supes ready to hike hike hike |
Whoops sorry butterfly, didn't mean to make you squishy scuashy. |
He left his left mark on the world on my ring finger. |
distracted by all the fun climbing you can do |
mah ladies and I |
We love life. |
I love them. |
personalities should be flaunted |
Cheering cause we ran all the way down |
The best of times with the best people. |
Can we go back to this moment?? |
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