Sunday, February 23, 2014

Celebrate Life

So here's the thing. I have a pile of homework awaiting me, however, I feel very strongly I should document some of the wonderful memories I have created with some of my best friends over the past couple weeks. The last three weeks have been filled to the brim with tons of fun events and I am so grateful for the opportunity to celebrate life!
But before I write about my own life, I want to celebrate somebody else's life for a minute. Today, February 23rd, would have been my sweet angel Becky Smart's 21st birthday. Honestly I was trying to avoid the thought this morning before I went to church, but we had a really great lesson in Relief Society and I couldn't get Becky out of my mind the whole time. Our lesson was on a talk by Elder D. Todd Christofferson, "The Moral Force of Women". It is a really awesome talk. It's all about how the world is in need of faithful, charitable, selfless, loving women and how these kind of women have so much influence on the world and generation to come.
I couldn't keep the influence Becky has had on me off my mind. I have nothing but positive things to say about her.
One story that comes to mind right off the bat is one her (to be) fiance shared at her funeral.
He said there was a Sunday when he wanted to skip out on church and go rock climbing. He asked Becky to come with him, but she said she didn't want to miss church or break the Sabbath. But she gave him permission to make his own decision whether or not to go. He ended up choosing to go climbing. When he returned, they met up and he could tell something was wrong. He knew something was bothering her. When he asked her about it she told him she was disappointed that he would dishonor his priesthood. Then she told him she needed to ask him a serious question. She asked him if he was the kind of man who would honor his priesthood through life; and if he wasn't that type of man, she couldn't get married to him.
This story shows the type of woman she was. Obviously I haven't been put in the position yet to decide who to marry but I have no doubt saying something like that to someone you love is a scary thing to do. I have so much respect for her for respecting herself like that. She completely understood the importance of honoring the callings and roles we are given as members of the church. Becky was one of the strongest members I knew and she always inspired me to be a better person. And she still does. Everyday.
I am so grateful for the time our Relief Society instructor spent preparing this lesson. The spirit was most definitely present. And better yet, I could feel Becky's spirit right next to me (Lucky I got a visit from her on her special day). Thinking about all the memories I have of her made me miss her a ton. Like so soooo much. But I am just so happy for the memories I have of her. To cherish. Until we get to be reunited. (:
My Dad sent this picture to me today. I am pretty sure this was taken at my 6th birthday party. Grateful I knew her then, wish I could celebrate with her today, but blessed to know I will be able to one day! Happy Birthday my guardian angel! I love you so much. Not a day goes by I don't think about you <3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for this post Claire! I love it. So glad you got a visit from her today :) :) Love you! I'm happy you have so many memories of her :)
