As mentioned in my previous post, I have some fun memories to share! To be honest, I don't quite know where to begin. Sooooo I think I am just going to start with some pic-cha's to re-jog the old noggin.
Call us Felicia. I'm not Felicia. Kenzie's not Felicia. Rachel's not Felicia. But together, WE ARE FELICIA.
This name came about because we decided we are a very facetious group of gals.
Facetious (adj): treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
Yep, I'd say that is a very accurate definition of us when we get together.
When Elder D Todd Christofferson spoke at the Spectrum! Cool opportunity. USU has got the hook ups for sure.
So these two pictures are from 3 weekends ago. It was filled with late nights, meeting new people, free Coldstone, party at the HPER (where our friends Doug and Tyson won the gift cards to Coldstone), a service activity with our stake Relief Society (including a delicious brunch) (did I mention we love getting free food?), winning basketball game, slippery walks through the cemetery, Christofferson's Devotional, Sunday night Sundae night (Megan Meyer was the manager at Culver's... so she is bomb diggity at making anything sort of ice cream treat).
Number 1 fans of the intramural basketball team, Soccer! These boys kill me. They are all hilarious. They are all soccer players, but they signed up for intramural basketball just for funnies. They definitely get the biggest turn out at their games! Could be because of the raffles they do during time-outs. Rachel won a wilted flower, Kenz won a Britney Spear's DVD and I got the chapstick the team shared (which means I can say I kissed the whole team I guess ;) ) |
My good friend, Braxton from across the hall, knew I had been stressing over a Stats test all week and a 24 hour article assignment.... so he took me for a much needed break to go chalk up the tunnel over by first dam! Thank goodness for caring people. And for fun times!! |
We decided to be extremely spontaneous Thursday Feb. 13 and got all dressed up for a pre-valentines formal dance party. We made the decision at 9:30 and were all glamored up and out the door about an hour later (on a school night. heh heh... yes, you can totes call us rebellious. Carpe Diem is the new YOLO. |
Same pic, but I just feel like we be fly honeys. Am I right? |
LOVE these ladies and our love for dance parties. This is just one of the five dance party we have attended in the past 10 days. Call us crazy, but I think one purpose of our existence is to be those wild girls who dance like no one is watching. And believe me, we rock it. |
Another B&W cause why not?
So let me tell you really quick about the dance parties.
1) Stake Dance. And did we ever do it right. We decided to go in serious style. We decided to do so by bringing our own headphones and music and jamming out to our own tunes on the dance floor. To top it off we brought our USU fanny packs (which we acquired at another dance of course) to put our Ipods/ phones in. We are the coolest. I just love that we are all okay with the fact everyone stares at us like we are nut-ohs. But it's fine because we never fail to get many compliments on how funny we are. GO US!
2) The pre-valentines day formal pictured above. FUN FUN FUN night. Did I mention I didn't fall asleep til 5 am that night. Too much fun.
3) The spotlight dance on Valentine's Day. The idea was: Single=wear green. Taken=wear red. It's complicated=wear yellow. But of course we have to do something to make us stand out! So guess what we did? Wore all black. AKA we are heartless. ;) lololololol have I already said I love my roommates/ girls across the way? Because I seriously do.
BTW my bess frien Emily came up to visit me that weekend! Just a fun fact I thought I'd throw into my story of our plethora of dance parties.
4) Nifty Fifty. Just your typical dance party where you go hard for 50 minutes and then you go home. nbd
5) Mardi Gras! Good times. Oxygen Bar (not worth the long line, but hey, not I can say I've gotton "high" on flavored air... boo yeah), Casino, Reptiles, dance party (of course!) and all things good in life. (ex: my best friends, hot men, crazy moves on the floor, lots of laughter, ect).
This is an example of what me, Megan Meyer, Rachel and Emily have been spending some of our down time doing the past week. Snapchat Picasso's. |
Another. |
And another.
Also... guess what my new favorite thing is. My friends from college and friends from home are officially friends with each other. Me, Em, Rach and Megan are always snapping each other and we have an ongoing group text! Loooove that. (:
We wish em could be with us always.
The weekend Emily came here was fun because we all together all the time doing silly/ random activities, including a very successful trip to the local thrift shop. I am just sad we didn't take more pictures :((((
Hockey game! |
So one time Karl just had a sleepover with us in our kitchen. Goofball. |
Morning Magic Tricks. |
Private math lessons from the genius himself.
EXCITING NEWS! Carly Barton received her mission call last week! Friday we all went down to Cottonwood Heights to be with her and her family when she opened it. Carl is going to Tucson, Arizona on June 25th! I am so proud of her. (: Sadly we didn't take any pictures together that night besides this silly one right here. This is from when we took a midnight run to Wally World to get supplies for our tutu's for Mardi Gras.... and yep.... stayed up til four in the morning making those darn things. At least we looked supes cute in them at the dance!!!
PS I think these sun hats really capture "Arizona" so this is perf, yeah? (:
Who wants to guess the best moment of my liiiiiifeeeeee
My best friend Mandaline surprised me in the most unexpected way yesterday! I came home from Cottonwood Heights and walked straight to the kitchen to put away some food my kind parents gave me and when I walked in there, her familiar lovely face jumped into my view!!! I totally freaked. I just remember screaming "WHAT" and then dropping all my stuff and pulling her into a huge bear hug. I even cried a tad. Okay, more than a tad. I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH! I wish someone had captured our little moment on camera or video... but either way. I was sooooo happy. Just trust me.
So Mandaline and Emily got to join us for Mardi Gras (: yaaaahooooo!
LOVE MY BESTIES!!!! (: (: (:
The tutu crew
The tutu crew take two
cute cute cute
fun fun fun
wild for the night
All my babes
Totes adorbs
Me and Rachet. Freakin Beaut!
kisses cause I love this lady!
funky fresh and ready to party
suckin dat O2
Holding a snake! (trying to look calm, cool and collected... but FREAKING out on the inside)
Last, but not least. Today we prepared 200 potatoes for linger longer. Kenzie is on the committee and the main girl over linger longer had surgery this week so Kenzie got placed the responsibility of doing it all by herself (even though there are supposed to be other people on the committee helping). Any way, we all stepped in and saved the day with our mad cooking skills. Wife material I suppose.
And that brings us to now folks! I feel so blessed for these fun times and fun people in my life! Can't wait to see what the rest of the semester brings.
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