Tuesday, September 2, 2014


See this screen? Yeah... I stared at it for 9 straight hours on my flight over to Milan. Watch movies to pass the time? Nope, not me. MY SCREEN WAS BROKEN :( I asked the flight attendant to reset it several times, and whether she did or not I'm not sure (she was awfully sassy- like sheesh do I have to be a hot Italian in order to get some attention?!) Anyways, this is basically my only complaint about the past couple days. But did it ruin my spirits? Nah... Let's just say I got to know myself quite a bit more with all the thinking and staring into the abyss I did to pass the time.....

Some of the cool Boscovich crew on our way to the first party in Milan. Funny story - one of the boys, Brenden (or Brandon haha) speaks Italian and is familiar with the city so he is our saving grace. However, I think we are a major embarrassment to him. Haha whenever we "act American" (aka selfies or foolishness) he walks ahead and pretends he doesn't know us. On the metro we tried talking to him and he just threw up a peace sign and continued looking down. Haha we drive him crazy but we wouldn't survive this city without him. 

Haha so the next 3 pictures... these are signs on the metro... and maybe we just thought it was funny because we hadn't slept in 48 hours or maybe it is truly hilarious because they show all the possible scenarios that could happen to you. (My favorite is one I saw today but didn't take a pic.... the butt gets stuck in the door! Lol like what)

Okay so this isn't the best picture.... but this is our train station! How cool is that. The station itself is art. Soooo lovely,

We haven't gotten our meal plan tokens yet so we have been living VERY scarcely on food. This muffin though... Holy yum. Each blueberry was at least..... 3 times the size of a normal blueberry! (And yes that was a subtle Zoolander reference)

Everything about campus makes my heart skip a beat....

Can't get over the beauty

I love when balconies have plants hanging off. So beautiful!

Haha FUNNY STORY - see that guy on the left? About a half second after I took this pic he grabbed my wrist and tried to put a bracelet on. Knowing he was going to ask for money after I told him no and kept walking. However, he managed to tie it on my wrist. As expected he then asked for money. I told him I didn't have any and continued to walk. He was NOT happy about that. But hey! Don't give me something before asking me dude. 

My friend Erica experienced it with me. Haha so there are our FREE bracelets!

Milan's castle

These little water fountain things are all over the town! Super cool! Just bring a water bottle and fill up with (supposedly) clean, cold water anytime!! 

The lighting in this makes me die a bit inside. loooove it

My cute friend Erica and I! 

Cameron was being a dork with the camera haha but hey he got some good candid laughs out of us!

I only imagine this filled with alligators... or crocodiles... haha 

I did not expect Milan to be so green! The city has the most amazing architecture (and is surprisingly well kept and clean) and then there are little roads on the side that lead to gorgeous surprises like this! 


I'm making this pond my new thinking spot for when things get difficult... If I can find it again... Haha

People just tan everywhere whenever. No kidding Italians have that beautifully bronze skin!

LOL there's another tanner... going spread eagle.

This sandwich.... INCREDIBLE! Ham, spinach and pistachio spread on freshly baked bread! Mmm mmm good

My heart stopped when walked around the corner and saw this. Pictures do not even compare. 

So breathtaking.

So that is my experience thus far in pictures... There are like a million other things I want to write down while they are still fresh in my memory... But my housemates and I are off to get some pizza for dinner! (PS Italians don't eat until like 8 pm... you can't find dinner until that time)

Ciao for now!

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