Without any specific order, let's goooooo
Study abroad in a foreign country
Be a counselor at EFY
Live in Europe for at least 1-2 years. Why not?
Run a marathon (and/or) complete a triathlon
Take a ride in a hot air balloon
Be someone’s maid of honor
Smash a pie in someone’s face
Have someone smash a pit in MY face
Learn to play the guitar (at least a couple
10. Backpack
through Europe for a whole summer
11. Get
married in the temple
12. Go
on a camping trip and sleep in hammocks
13. Do
humanitarian work in a third world country
14. Have
kids of my own
15. Ride
an elephant in Thailand
16. Take
a trip to Lake Powell… for like at least
three weeks straight
17. Hike
the Narrows
18. Go
to Moab
19. Go
repelling somewhere incredible (like down a waterfall)
20. Go
21. Learn
to scuba dive
22. Take
a gondola ride in Venice
23. Meet
Will Smith. Perhaps give him a nice smooch
24. Watch
the running of the bulls in Spain
25. Fly
first class to an international destination
26. Order
room service in a 5 star hotel
27. Catch
a shark
28. Spend
New Year’s Eve in Times Square
29. Ice
skate a Rockefeller Center during Christmas time
30. Cut
myself a piece of expensive gouda cheese using that special cheese tasting
31. Dive
the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
32. Swim
in the Dead Sea
33. Go
34. Build
an igloo
35. Kiss
my lover on the kiss cam at a sporting event
36. Go
to Disney World
37. Go
to Harry Potter World
38. Plant
a garden
39. Get
one of my photographs in The National Geographic Magazine
40. Learn
a foreign language
41. Watch
baby turtles hatch and find their way to the sea
42. Party
at the Carnival in Rio
43. Witness
the Northern Lights
44. Visit
the seven wonders of the world
45. Publish
an article about my travels
46. Go
on a safari in Africa
47. Cross
a glacier on foot
48. Climb
an active volcano
49. Create
a “signature” dish of my own to serve at family gatherings
50. Attend
51. Touch
a musician’s hand while they are performing
52. Attend
the Olympics (at an age I can recall. I simply can’t count my childhood
53. Lock
a love lock to the bridge in Paris with my hubby
54. Be
in the stands when two rival South American club teams play each other in
55. Adopt
a furry friend
56. Get
that rock hard six pack
57. Kiss
a stranger
58. Make
a difference in someone’s life
59. Shower
in a waterfall
60. Kiss
under the fireworks
61. Be
serenaded to
62. Go
white water rafting
63. Go
cliff jumping into the ocean
64. Ride
a camel
65. Road
trip to California with ma ladies before we get married
66. Tell
a boy “I love you” and really mean it
67. Play
an elaborate practical joke on someone
68. Be
kissed in the pouring rain
69. Pay
for the person’s meal behind me at a fast food place
70. Learn
to ballroom dance properly
71. Spend
a whole day reading a novel
72. Tell
a judge “You can’t handle the truth!”
73. Host
a tea party. Make it utterly sophisticated. And perhaps play a quaint game of
74. Go
ice fishing
75. Pet
a polar bear
76. Learn
self defense
77. Serve a mission with my spouse
78. Scream
at the top of my lungs on a mountain top
79. Make
spaghetti tacos like the ones in ICarly
80. Learn
to surf
81. Wear
really red lipstick on a casual day just for fun
82. Kiss
at the top of the Eiffel Tower
83. Drive
a sports car over 150 mph
84. Stay
at a Bed and Breakfast with my significant other
85. Enjoy
a really really expensive dinner at one of the world’s best restaurants
86. Go
to Lake Tahoe
87. Ride
a Farris Wheel at sunset
88. Crash
a wedding
89. Find
a cause and raise a significant amount of money toward it
90. Go
to Marti Gras in New Orleans
91. Milk
a cow
92. Visit
Machu Picchu
93. Go
on date to a drive in movie and cuddle in the bed of the truck
94. Learn
95. Eat
a foreign delicacy that sounds disgusting
96. Send
the President an invitation to my wedding
97. Send
Mickey and Minnie Mouse and invitation to my wedding
98. Choose
a favorite painting, and then visit it in person
99. Go
on a sleigh ride at temple square during Christmas time
100. Bury a time capsule at the top of a mountain
I am sure this list will continue to grow as I live on, but I hope I can be checking things off along the way.
This was a pretty fun exercise, so whatcha waitin' for? MAKE YOURS.