Monday, August 25, 2014

my perfect place

In less than a week I am going to BE IN ITALY. Ooooo myyyyy goshhhh what?!

But I had one stop I had to make before I left on my four month adventure. And that place is none other than Logan, Utah.

Frick, how I love that place.

Crazy at it sounds, there were multiple moments where I wished I wasn't going to Italy and I was going to the school I love, with the people that I love, going on the crazy/ spontaneous adventures that I love. DO NOT get me wrong, at the same time I could not be more excited to go to Italy in 6 short days.

During the 3 1/2 days I got to be in my perfect place, I saw many people I love and am going to miss a ton and we did some really fun stuff together! YAY

I've come to terms with the fact I am terrible at summarizing so I am just going to go down my list...


  • When I left Sandy, it was raining cats and dogs! That being said, it took me 3 hours to get to Logan. Good Golly right?!
  • When I finally got there I met up with my friend Travis and his brother-in-law and the 3 of us went to Taste of Logan (technically put on for the freshman but I love it so we went ;) )
  • We got DRENCHED at Taste of Logan. So once we had devoured all the free food Taste of Logan offered us, we went back, got in sweats, and watched 4 episodes of The Office. 
  • When we got hungry again we met up with our fun friends Bert, Joey and Ryan at Taco Bell. When I am around those guys I hardly speak a peep... they just play off each other so well and so quickly. They are some good entertainment.
  • When we got kicked out of Taco Bell we met up with some other friends at a girls house and hung there the rest of the night. 
  • When Trav and I both got tired we said our goodbyes, went home and fell asleep.

  • Travis had an early morning work meeting so I slept in a bit and then got ready to go to breakfast with my darling friend Baylee.
  • We decided on The Crepery (one of my favorite spots in my perfect place).
  • At The Crepery I saw one the girls I went on my trip to Zion with! It was so fun seeing her!
  • The Crepery happens to be many people's favorite places in Logan... it was crazy busy! Bay and I waited over an hour for our crepes but hot dang it was worth it. 
  • After we finished our food I got a call from my dearest Kenz Dawg saying she had arrived in Logan. So we met up with her and Kalli at the place that will be my home come spring semester.
  • Glenwood- not at shabby place at all! The Landlord is super cool, it's pretty close to campus (minus the beast hill) and I love my roommates (the girls I know and the girls I didn't know). I really look forward to living with them in January (even if the shared room is going to be cramped as heck! Haha)
  • ALSO our building is interesting because there are practically two countries in it. Our floor constantly smells of Indian food and downstairs smells of Japanese noodles. Never did meet the neighbors... just smelt them. Haha Kenz and Kalli will have to give me the update on them later ;) When I get back hopefully I can add to the ethnic flavor with some authentic Italian cooking! WOO
  • While Kenz and Kalli moved in, Bay and I went back to Blue Square and watched two movies- The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller's Day Off - while eating froyo. What is a better activity for a rainy day? It was fun watching these with her because Brat Pack films are her favorites and she knows all the fun facts about them! For instance, did you know the majority of The Breakfast Club was not even scripted?! Nope, they gave the actors a general theme and let them improvise. How cool is that?
  • After that I went back to Glenwood and got to know the roommates I didn't previously know a bit more! They are both way cool. 
  • That night my other friend from the Zion trip invited us all to a party at Oakridge! It was sort of a dance party (our favorite ;) ) however the music unfortunately wasn't prime. It was a lot of fun to see a lot of old friends there though.
  • When we had our share of the party we met up with Kenzie's cousin and his friends and had a game night! Utah State is perfect because there are tons of good kids looking for some clean fun. Despite my somewhat shy disposition I LOVE meeting new people, anytime, anywhere.

  • Church was at 9:30 Sunday morning... after late nights in college that is awfully early. But it will so be worth it because I already love the ward. For one thing, the ratio of boys and girls is about 50/50 (compared to the 15 boys in our ward last year.... no, I promise, I am not joking about that). And the Bishopric rocks! Seriously, I love them already and really look forward to being in the ward when I come home.
  • 3 hours later we met up with our friend Ty and met his hedgehog Hughie. Unpredictable animals freak me out a tad haha but he is a cute little guy.
  • Later that day we went to our old and most dear home, Rich Hall. We had a very strange encounter with some very awkward freshman girls (Like really, it isn't that weird if four girls come to your new dorm and ask to look for a thong in the ceiling is it ladies!) Haha okay so maybe it was weird of us, but those weird moments are easily the best memories of college! In case you were wondering about the previous statement, no, we did not find the thong. :( Haha 
  • That night Kenz and I went on a group date with two of our good friends, Dev and Kent. This may have been the highlight of the weekend, simply because spontaneous nighttime adventures are what I live for! We drove up the canyon, piled into the back of some guys truck, drove to a sweet cave under the stars and wandered around an old mine! It was sooooo fun. AND it was a pretty legit adventure because to enter the mine you had to army crawl through like a foot high entrance! Those are the kind of nights I am really going to miss these next four months.
  • So that night I said some more sad goodbyes and got a good nights rest before the roommates first day of school!


  • This is my half day.
  • Kenz and I got ready together and then I drove her up to campus (because heaven knows she will have to conquer that beast of a hill many a time while I am gone).
  • I talked to a coordinator about becoming a member of the A-Team next spring (how fun would that be? only time will tell though)
  • Then met up with my friend Lauren and her friend Morgan for a delicious breakfast at Herm's Inn. Lauren is one of the sweetest girls and she will be leaving for a mission in November. I was so happy I got to see her before I leave because I won't see her for a looooong time. It was fun talking to both of them, even the girl I hadn't met. We all have so much in common! It was kind of crazy. I just kept thinking how cool it is that there really is no place you can be where you aren't meant to be. Does that make sense?! Maybe not. But the last couple days I have been getting feelings of comfort that I am on the right path. I've never felt that way so strongly and I think it's a real blessing to be getting these feelings right before I leave for my adventure of a lifetime. Obviously I am nervous about going somewhere I have never been, surrounded by people I don't know, speaking a language I don't understand. But I am overwhelmed with the feeling that this was in my plan all along. It just feels so right! I can't accurately describe it but I hope you can at least grasp the concept I am trying to communicate. 

Logan, I love you. Don't forget about me while I'm gone. I will be back in four fun-filled months! (:

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Be A Nice Human

Hey people! Forgot I had a blog? So did I.

Fortunately I can give you a 99.99% guarantee you'll be hearing A LOT more from me in ten short days! Why?? Because that's when I leave for my semester abroad in Italy! Halla!

But that isn't what I want to talk about tonight. On a more serious note....

It's 11:32 pm, my house is asleep... (shocker), and I was scrolling through my twitter feed when I read "search #fatpig on instagram, it's rather disturbing". Being the curious type, I did just that, surprised at what I found.

What I saw was thousands of picture of girls far too thin for their own good health and a lot of negative self talk. One year ago I might have looked at it and probably not have had much sympathy toward any of these strangers. However, living with a floor filled with girls this past year has really changed my outlook on self image.

Growing up with two older brothers, I never heard much negative self body talk. I'm definitely not saying this isn't something boys struggle with, but in general, girls have a much different way of thinking. Neither am I saying I have never uttered the words "I'm chubby" myself. But it turns out this is a greater issue than I ever knew.



Comments regarding this, even snide remarks, will eat a girl up (figuratively speaking of course). Everyone has their insecurities. And there is nothing that compares to when somebody else points out a flaw you are already self-conscious of. (This certainly applies to other things besides weight)

This is merely a summary of my thoughts but I figured I would quickly share because I was in fact "disturbed" by what I saw. If nothing else, I hope I have given you a new perspective to 'chew' on....

In addition, here are two links I enjoy. The first has a cool insight for current and future mothers. The second... I just enjoy. For obvious reasons (: Whatever your body type, OWN IT!

How to Talk to Your Daughter About Her Body

It's All About The Bass